The Patriots are looking to cap an 18-0 season with their fourth Super Bowl victory in seven years. Led by quarterback Eli Manning, the Giants are hoping to fool the football prognosticators, spoil the Pats' perfect season and begin building a legacy of their own.
That all sets the stage for a great game, local football fans say.
"It ought to be a good one. They (the Giants) beat the Packers and the Cowboys, and they are the right team to be representing the NFC," said Bill Crandall, who manages the Just Sports apparel store at Westgate City Center, an entertainment district just a few hundred yards from University of Phoenix Stadium. "I think there would have been more fans here if it was the Packers, but I still think it will be crazy chaos."
Local organizers are expecting 125,000 visitors to set foot in the Valley just to take part in Super Bowl festivities, from the family-friendly NFL Experience theme park next to the stadium to dozens of VIP parties in Scottsdale.
Sunday's AFC and NFC championship games sealed the deal for some fans. On Monday, the Arizona Super Bowl Host Committee sold more than a dozen $7,500 Super Bowl ticket packages to Giants fans Monday.
"From a competitive standpoint, it's a great matchup. From a visitors and economic-impact standpoint, they (New York and New England) are the largest markets and have the most media coverage," committee President Bob Sullivan said. "I think we'll see a groundswell of people coming in from the Northeast."
For months, Camelback Inn, Arizona Biltmore and other popular Valley resorts have been booked solid for Super Bowl weekend, Jan. 31 through Feb. 4. So Super Bowl fans making hotel arrangements after Sunday's playoff games have been left with few options.

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